Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Garden, Stars, Beauty and the Beast

Our plot in the community garden is in full bloom, I added centers to a few stars and a "Beauty and the Beast" surprise!

The community garden is in full sun and has well-drained soil. Connie and I planted both starters and seeds and couldn't be happier with the results.

Cosmos and Calendulas





My table has fresh flowers every day!

On another note . . .  

I reduced the size of the center hexies and hand appliqued them to the stars I've been making. Now you don't see bits of the border around each one.  

I'm loving the way they look :)

What can I say??? Beauty and the Beast?? This toad has been hanging around our front step and when I took the photo I realized it was stalking that white caterpillar for a meal :)

Can you believe the leaves are already beginning to turn around here?

That's it for now.

Enjoy your week!


Copyright 2023 Barbara Schaffer


  1. Beautiful flowers you have tended in the community garden. How fun to be able to have fresh flowers every day.
    I applaud your decision to reduce the size of the center hexies. Definitely has a cleaner look, and your fussy-cutting makes those blocks stunning.
    Colors turning already?? We will be in Maine in early September, and I didn't expect to see colors changing yet. Maybe I will be wrong?

  2. You have made a beautiful flower garden in your space. Are you going to do it again next year. I like how the hexies turned out. If you refuced the size of the center did you have to redraft the star points?
